
Goodbye 2019 – Welcome 2020 (15/25)

30 december 2019 / Marielle van der Coelen

25 years of EWC directive, 25 years of EWC Service

As we are nearing the end of 2019, it is an appropriate time for us to look back at the year in which the European Works Council celebrated its 25th birthday. With this anniversary, the EWC should be mature and grown up.
However, the ETUI survey among 1.600 EWC-members showed that there is still a lot of room for growth. In 2019, the EWC Service team has done its best to help EWCs to release this growth and develop their potential. It has brought us to all corners of Europe: Belgrade, Milan, Genoa, Vienna, Marseille, Barcelona, Madrid, London, Upsala, Oslo and many other more destinations. We are always out and about to strengthen European Works Councils.

We have supported EWCs in restructurings and take-overs, helped them to have meetings that are more effective, have given trainings and we have supported the setting-up of new EWCs.  I personally was most impressed by the employee engagement and expression of solidarity when a multinational company decided to close two factories. The 488 employees tried hard to prevent the closure and mitigate the consequences. The EWC has actively supported them in reaching their goals. When, during a EWC meeting at the company’s headquarters, 100 European colleagues from another part of Europe travelled in to demonstrate and preserve jobs, I realised again that I have a job that matters, being able to support workers and help building a sustainable future.

Well, we hope that 2019 has been a good year for you and your EWC’s.
For 2020, we wish all the best. You can continue to count on our support!

On behalf of the SBI Formaat EWC Service team, Mariëlle van der Coelen

25 years of EWC in 25 blogs


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