Dutch Works Council

Training and advisory services for Dutch works councils

CUSTOMER REVIEWS Works CouncilSBI Formaat is a market leader in training and advising Dutch works councils and employee participation with more than 50 years of experience. Our professionals are experts in specific sectors such as industry, government, education, business services, transport or construction industry.

We provide a wide range of courses on various topics relevant to works councils. We can provide almost all topics in English. All course material can be provided in English as well.

Standardized courses or tailor made solutions

A selection of possible topics:

Health and Safety Legislation, Risk Inventory and Assessment and the role of the works council

  • The health and safety legislation in the Netherlands and Europe
  • The Quality of your Risk Inventory and Assessment of your own company
  • The strategy for the works council about health and safety

Sick leave policy and reintegration

In one day we can take a close look at the sick leave policy and the reintegration activities of the company, the activities of the health and safety service and the role of the works council.

The WKR (‘Werkkostenregeling’) in the Netherlands

The work-related costs scheme (WKR, werkkostenregeling) is obligatory for all employers in the Netherlands. Our experts have a broad experience with the implementation of the WKR and they can answer all your questions regarding the WKR.


How do we deal with labor contracts & policies? How do we deal with the consequences of a revaluation of functions? What does a good sustainable employability policy look like? What are the pitfalls of job evalutation and performance pay? It is a small selection of questions that our advisory team can help you with.

Sustainable employability

Sustainable employability is of growing concern for the individual employee. For organizations a sustainable employable workforce is important as well. We will be pleased to engage with you to find the best solution for your company.

Finance policy

Financial policy in organizations has its own language and accounting rules. Numbers are therefore not easy to understand for many works council members. Numbers do not only provide insight into the financial situation of the organization, but also provide information about policy choices.

We can help you understand the basic financial concepts, to read the financial statements and budgest and to assist in consultations with the board of directors

The Dutch Works Councils Act

An entrepreneur with an enterprise in which at least 50 people are working needs to establish a Works Council in order to ensure the proper consultation and representation of the persons working in the enterprise. In order to be able to comply with any requirements of or pursuant to this act that relate to the said Works Council.

SBI Formaat has a broad knowledge and experience of the Dutch Works Council Act (WCA) and can learn you how to use the rights and powers of the works council in daily practice.


The English translation of the Dutch Works Councils Act (Wet op de ondernemingsraden)


Featured: Works council work for starters

As a newly elected works council member you have a lot to deal with. It is important to know what the task, role and position is of the Works council (WoCo) and what possibilities a works council has to influence company decisions and policies and to achieve results. It is important for you to get up to speed quickly, so that you can take up your own place in the works council and become an effective member of this forum of employees’ representatives.

This training will give you insight into the role and function, and into the rights and obligations of the Dutch works council, as well as some practical working methods for an effective WoCo functioning.

Training Works council work for starters


Sometimes you are confronted with complex topics. Do you need support and act quickly? SBI Formaat’s experts can help you. Our consultants are thorough and effective.

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