
Fly away! (6/25)

28 oktober 2019 / Maayke Somers

25 years of EWC directive, 25 years of EWC Service

Working in an EWC means that you travel a lot. Spend time on airports and planes.

Surely it is not every time that you enjoy these travels. Especially when your flight s delayed, you miss your connecting flight or when the weather is so bad that the pilot needs to abort break his landing and take you to a less desired airport…

But still… I feel like a woman of the world. One of my treats is going to Starbucks, order a nice and large coffee and allow myself a snack to go with that coffee. Install in a good position and have fun people watching. The variety of people and cultures on an airport like Schiphol Amsterdam is just huge!!!
On the plane I can get some work done, chill with my favorite Netflix, play hide and seek with the two year old in front of me. Or just stare out the window on a clear day and try to see where I am (not a chance by the way).

Nothing beats home. That is true. But having the opportunity to travel and go shopping in Milan, just for an hour or so. There are more boring days at the office than these.
I am writing this blog on a plane. My neighbor and I just exchanged our most interesting flying experiences and decides mutually that we could do without the complementary meal.

Flying awakens  the child in me. I still have the desire to ask for a look in the cockpit and one of these travels I might find the courage to actually ask if I can have a look.

Keep you posted…

25 years of EWC in 25 blogs

Maayke Somers, EWC trainer and advisor

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