
Breakfast again? (16/25)

06 januari 2020 / Marielle van der Coelen

25 years of EWC directive, 25 years of EWC Service

The European Works Council is mostly about serious stuff as restructurings, mergers and take-overs, or financial data. We notice that EWC members have different experiences in labour relations in their countries and therefore sometimes have different perceptions on the roles and responsibilities of employee representation. But also in the day to day interaction between EWC members from all over Europe, more basic differences become apparent.

Have you ever tried to establish diner time together? When the Germans prefer to have their evening meal around 18 o’clock, the Spanish delegates rather start at a time when their northern European colleagues have begun to starve. And have you ever been served a Dutch lunch consisting of cheese sandwiches and milk? We have seen puzzled reactions from the non-Dutch EWC members: breakfast again?

Of course with a bit of flexibility, curiosity and humour, the day the day interaction between EWC members is doable and often even fascinating. The same goes for the different perceptions of labour relations. When you are listen to each other carefully and are willing to release you own conviction in the search for a compromise, you will get there as an EWC. Actually, when learning from each other’s backgrounds, being an EWC member can really be an enriching experience.

Where did you discover cultural differences and how did you overcome them? Please share your experience.

Mariëlle van der Coelen, EWC trainer and advisor

25 years of EWC in 25 blogs

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