
The three lamest excuses of management for declaring a topic not transnational (14/25)

23 december 2019 / Marielle van der Coelen

25 years of EWC directive, 25 years of EWC Service

In order for a topic to be subject of information and consultation in the EWC, it has to be transnational. So if you do not want to discuss something with the EWC, you tell them the issue at stake is not transnational. Here are the three lamest excuses of management why a topic is not transnational that we have heard over the last years:

  1. “It is not in the scope of the EWC, since it is a global and not a European project”. Yeah, right.
  2. When transferring production from Germany to Romania: “It only concerns Germany. The Romanian colleagues are very happy with the transfer”. Uhm, okay?
  3. When the CEO announces a global 10% cost saving operation in a press release: “It is not transnational. Each country will look for itself how the 10% cost reduction is being achieved”. Ah, I see…

What excuses have you heard in your company? Please share the best examples.

Mariëlle van der Coelen, EWC trainer and advisor

25 years of EWC in 25 blogs

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